Human-Agent Coordination in Games under Incomplete Information via Multi-Step Intent

Shenghui Chen*, Ruihan Zhao*, Sandeep Chinchali, Ufuk Topcu
University of Texas at Austin
International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), 2025

*Indicates Equal Contribution

Aliquam vitae elit ullamcorper tellus egestas pellentesque. Ut lacus tellus, maximus vel lectus at, placerat pretium mi. Maecenas dignissim tincidunt vestibulum. Sed consequat hendrerit nisl ut maximus.


Strategic coordination between autonomous agents and human partners under incomplete information can be modeled as turn-based cooperative games. We extend a turn-based game under incomplete information, the shared-control game, to allow players to take multiple actions per turn rather than a single action. The extension enables the use of multi-step intent, which we hypothesize will improve performance in long-horizon tasks. To synthesize cooperative policies for the agent in this extended game, we propose an approach featuring a memory module for a running probabilistic belief of the environment dynamics and an online planning algorithm called IntentMCTS. This algorithm strategically selects the next action by leveraging any communicated multi-step intent via reward augmentation while considering the current belief. Agent-to-agent simulations in the Gnomes at Night testbed demonstrate that IntentMCTS requires fewer steps and control switches than baseline methods. A human-agent user study corroborates these findings, showing an 18.52% higher success rate compared to the heuristic baseline and a 5.56% improvement over the single-step prior work. Participants also report lower cognitive load, frustration, and higher satisfaction with the IntentMCTS agent partner.

User Study Results

User Study Results

User Study Procedure


    title={Human-Agent Coordination in Games under Incomplete Information via Multi-Step Intent},
    author={Chen, Shenghui and Zhao, Ruihan and Chinchali, Sandeep and Topcu, Ufuk},
    booktitle={International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS)},